Spontaneous international music team Vertical Worship dishes out a brand new melody tagged Blessed. According to Vertical Worship;
“The first line of the sermon on the mount, ‘Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven’ are words that we may be familiar with, but hold a profound invitation from Jesus. It is not those who have it all figured out, or have all the answers that will know more of His kingdom, but rather those who recognize their need of Him. And more of Him means more of His rule, His reign in my life. His law is love and He comes near with mercy.”
“So, quite simply, that’s where the song started, from a place of remembering, a place of trust that when we turn to Jesus, we gain more of Him. And more of Him means more of His presence, His peace, His love. For what does it matter to gain the whole world, but forfeit our soul? What a gift that we get to at any moment recognize our deep need for Jesus. And in recognizing, He draws so near to us and we get to know more of Him, that One who knows us full well.”