Spirit filled melody from the family of Pastor/Dr. Paul Enenche. A powerful single titled You Are Always there. Download the song now below and be bless. Watch the video music on YouTube now.
Lyrics: Your Are Always There By Dr Paul Enenche Family
Verse 1
I have put my trust in you
I have put my faith in your word
No matter what comes my way
I shall never be afraid
There’s nothing in this world
that can take your place in my life
For i know you know you’re always there to help me till the end
You are always there to help
You are always there to help me
Even when no one else was there
You were always there for me
Even when i can’t feel you
Even when i cannot trace you
I still have faith in your word
that you’re always there for me
Verse 2
I cannot trade you for gold
I cannot trade you for silver
I cannot put my trust in anyone but you
There’s nothing in this world
that can take your place in my life
For i find in you alone all the answers i need
Verse 3
I will love You till the end
I will serve You till i see You
For Your everlasting love
Has drawn my whole being to you
My life is in Your hand;
Lord am your project in progress
And when you’re through with me;
All the praise belongs to you
It bless my life in no measure!!!