Meet Evangelist Ngome Beatrice, a Cameroonian gospel artist with a deeper touch in Gospel music. She has been a christian since 13 and started singing in musical college groups, church groups and choirs.
And by 18 the Lord Jesus Christ started inspiring her with new songs each time she studied His Word in her private moments. Since then, till date she still sings divinely inspired songs, her songs are unique indeed.
Between 2014 and 2020 she has released 2 albums and by the grace of God they have been blessing lives. And it is worth noting that her music is for the sole purpose of soul winning and evangelism, this explains why they’re made available at a minimum levy (almost free). They also carry messages of encouragement.
In July 2021 Ev. Ngome Beatrice released her third album titled “Our Refuge and Strength” made up of 7 tracks. These songs carry a timely message that everyone needs during this trying moments, they are rich in content, quality and melody. She as well released an official video of one of the songs in this album (Riches, Wisdom). This album would bless you and I know it has a message for you in this season.
You can grab a copy of the album via the link below:
Don’t forget to subscribe to her YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXs0pGcf90SQ46VqlXu70Iw