Contemporary African christian music minister and songwriter NOSA dishes out a brand new and powerful sound of worship and adoration titled Most high (You Are The Most High). The vocals of the Nigerian worship leader “Nathaniel Bassey” was featured.
Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless His name; Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day. Psalm 96:1-2. This melody is gonna lift you high as you worship God with all your hear. Get it now and also share this with all your friends as well as family.
Lyrics of most high by nosa
Yea eh eh eh yeah eh eh eh eh
More precious than Sharon’s roses yes
You are the God of Glory yea eh eh
The angels declare You’re Holy yes
They cry ha lle lu jah
You are perfect in Your ways
With You there are no mistakes ooh nooo
The works of Your hands declare Your praise
They say ha lle lu jah
You are the Most High ahhh
Eh El Shaddai
You are the Most High God
King on High
You are the Most High eh eh eh eh
We say ha lle lu yah
Mhmm eh na na eh yeah eh eh
Eh na na na haa
The stars cannot match Your brightness Lord n Your brightness Lord
You give the sun it’s light You give the sun it’s light
In You does my soul delight yes Lord
Ha lle lu yah
We join host of heavens oooh yea yea yea
Lifting our hands up high
We cast our crowns before You yea eh eh eh
We cry ha lle lu yah
You are the Most High ahhh You are the Most High
El Shaddai
You are the Most High God You are the Most High God
King on high
You are the Most High and
We say ha lle lu yah halle llu jah
El Shaddai
You are the Most High ahhh You are the Most High God o Baba
Eh El Shaddai the All sufficient God
You are the Most High God the everything One the All sufficient
You are the most high and the angels join now
Haaa haa ha lle lu yah
Hallelujah let my joint heirs join me
Halle luujahhhh
Halle lu uuuu jah all creations sing Your praise
Halle luu jahhhh to the Most High God
Ha lle lu jah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Halleluujahhhhh hallelu hallelu we lift our hands in sing halle
Halleluuuuu jah praise ye the Lord
Ha lle lu jahhhhh e yeah eh eh
Ha lle lu jah
To the Most High God
To the King of kings
Halle eh eh haa lle lu jah
To the One who was and is and is to come
Halle lu yah
Halle luu jahhhhhhhhh
Halle luu uu jahhhhh
Ha lle luu jahhhhhhh
Haaa lleooo luujahhhhh