I’M IN LOVE is a song that expresses love to our Savior Jesus Christ, Proclaiming how much he loved us too, for even while we were yet sinners He died for us.
His Love is unfailing and all we have to do as believers is to love him More and Chase after Him.
EVANG JACINTA UC is a worship leader/Songwriter who reaches out to souls by preaching the Gospel of our lord Jesus Christ through songs ; She hails from Mbaise, Imo State
@FB Uwah Jacinta
LYRICS: of I’m In Love by Evang Jacinta UC
Am inlove, Jesus am inlove let my moment count so much heart rejoice,x2
Your love has taken over me, for that I depend on you-
Your love has made me whole,
My going out and coming in Just for you only you,
Your love has made me great,
You are the only one I love,
You are the only one I know,
You are the only one I love,
You are the only one I know,
Jesus x2
I will praise your name on high x4
I am inlove Jesus
I am inlove
Let my moment count so my heart rejoice×4
How can I describe your love,
How can I describe your worth,
Your love is too much,
Jesus- — – – –
You die for me- —
You shed your blood on the cross,
You died for me,
you shed your blood on the cross,
You died for me,
You shed your blood on the cross,
Jesus- ——-
I am in love, Jesus am in love,let my moment count so my heart rejoice.
Connect with “Don Vicks”
Phone: 07035284661
IG & FB: @Uwah Jacinta