Home Music Video there’s something about this god

there’s something about this god


there's something about this god that made me to love him mp3 download

there’s something about this god that made me to love him mp3 download is now available here both the short version and full version. Get it below and share with all your friends. maximus nwolisa there’s something about this god original sound for maximus nwolisa


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    • He doesn’t have it. The guy started from where others tapped their own. He has nothing like that to offer.

  1. Wow, this song has the presence of the the holy spirit , you have no fame , but indeed the spirit has announced himself through this song , keep it up brother in Christ , never depart from the presence of the holy spirit , let him take total control of you, let it always inspire you . Please Don’t deviate from this part. God bless you sir

  2. This song so touching Please don’t say he’s a scammer you can download the full song & lyrics not available doesn’t warrant all the accusation pls. Thank you

  3. There is something about this God
    That made me to love him
    He is the covenant keeping God
    Consistent in all his ways
    The lover of my soul
    Father this heart beats for you
    Iburu uzo love’o mu
    (You loved me first)
    Ya mere m’jiri love’o gi
    (That’s why I Love you)
    Chukwu oma
    (Good God)
    Iburu uzo love’o mu
    Ya mere m’jiri love’o gi
    Chukwu Oma
    With an everlasting love
    Father you cared for me O Lord
    My father
    Iburu uzo love’o mu
    Ya mere m’jiri love’o gi
    Chukwu Oma
    This love is too much oo
    It’s too big oo
    It’s too wide o
    It’s amazing!
    Iburu uzo love’o mu
    Ya mere m’jiri love’o gi
    Chukwu Oma
    It’s unimaginable
    And unbelievable
    That you gave everything you had
    That I may have everything I need
    The life that am living today
    You made it possible
    Take my life my soul and my spirit
    It all belongs to you
    It all belongs to you
    It all belongs to you O God
    You love me I cannot say why
    Daddy love me I cannot say why
    You love me I cannot say why
    You love me I cannot say why
    Maka Iburu uzo hum n’anya
    Ya mere m’jiri love’o gi
    Chukwu Oma
    Iburu uzo love’o mu
    Ya mere m’jiri love’o gi
    Chukwu Oma
    On the way to calvary
    You laid your life for me
    It’s amazing
    Iburu uzo love’o mu
    Ya mere m’jiri love’o gi
    Chukwu Oma
    What a friend that I have in you
    All my sins and grief you bear
    This kind of love this kind of father
    I never see
    Never gonna a father like you
    Never gonna have a lover like like
    Never gonna share your glory with anyone
    Only you…
    Only you Jesus…
    Iburu uzo love’o mu
    Ya mere m’jiri love’o gi
    Chukwu Oma ehhhh…
    Iburu uzo love’o mu
    Ya mere m’jiri love’o gi
    Chukwu Oma
    This kind of love this kind of life I never see
    This kind kind of love you paid the debit that I owed
    I owed the debt and I couldn’t pay
    But you paid it all
    You paid it all
    You foot the bills
    God I surrender to you
    I surrender to you
    I give you my life
    My heart, my everything
    I give it all
    Withholding nothing
    Thank you Jesus!

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